Noise Unit - Monolith

Noise Unit - Monolith

Help us caption and translate this video on Noise Unit - Monolith. From the album Voyeur, video builded with photos ...

NOISE SESSION - Saucillator Android App + Monolith Grey Owl Fuzz,Shiva Tape Echo,TC Ditto Looper X2

Having fun with Saucillator Synth (Android App). Effects: Monolith Grey Owl Silicon Fuzz, Shiva Tape Delay, TC Electronic Ditto Looper X2 Check out: ...

NOISE SESSION with TC Ditto Looper,EHX RTG,Monolith Grey Owl Fuzz,Shiva Tape Echo,Ernie Ball VPjr

Making noise with TC Ditto Looper, EHX Random Tone Generator, Monolith Grey Owl Fuzz, Shiva Tape Delay, Ernie Ball VPjr WEBSITE: ...

Monolith - Roadblock

Industrial techno by Monolith's release at Hands productions upload by noise antifa.

Noise Diver - Monolith

Unreleased track from around 2004, inspired by the Psytrance/Techtrance/Darktrance scene around the year 2000, inspired by artists like X-Dream, The Delta, ...

Noise Unit