핑크퐁 - Toy

Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
A doll. A ball. A robot. Blocks. Crayons. A truck!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
Toy-oy-oy-oys are in the box. In the box!
Bob bob bob. Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob. Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob.
Open the box, box.
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
A doll. A ball. A robot. Blocks. Crayons. A truck!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck.
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
Toy-oy-oy-oys are in the box. In the box!
Bob bob bob. Open the box, box.
Bob bob bob. Open the box, box.
Toy Shop at Night | 장난감 가게의 밤 | 할로윈 동요 | 핑크퐁! 인기동요

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