Bruce Hornsby - Shadowhand

Shadow Hands - Hornsby & Forster.m4v

A recording of Bruce Hornsby and Nick Forster Live from a taping of eTown at the Boulder Theater in Boulder, CO on 10/14/09 ENJOY... Acoustic Music doesnt ...

Shadow Hand - Bruce Hornsby and Bela Fleck Live Jam 8/9/2011

Bruce Hornsby and Bela Fleck doing Shadow Hand together. In light of all I've learned so far I don't believe I'm so strange In spite of all this time I spend Calling ...

Shadow Hand - Bruce Hornsby cover by Andrew Perkins

Ever had an imaginary friend? Bruce Hornsby wrote this song about his, from his childhood. Enjoy.

Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers at Ottawa Folk Festival - Shadow Hand

Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers, at Ottawa Folk Festival, Hogs Back, August 25, 2011, Shadow Hand - The bilingual version (sort of)

Bruce Hornsby, Shadow Hand, 10-02-2011 Washboard!

Bruce Hornsby Wilbur Theater Boston, MA Shadow Hand Front Row Balcony, Left ...

Bruce Hornsby