Alma Cogan - But Beautiful

Alma Cogan-But Beautiful

Alma Cogan with a nice version of a real standard, But Beautiful.

'But Beautiful' - Alma Cogan

'But Beautiful' - Alma Cogan (Words and music by Johnny Burke and Jimmy Van Heusen)

Alma Cogan - Tennessee Waltz

know this is a bit cheesy, but I've always loved this song. And Alma was very beautiful. She died FAR too young.... RIP.

Alma Cogan - Sugartime

Alma Cogan was one of the most successful and tragic figures in English pop music of the '50s and early '60s. Her 18 chart hits were a record for a female singer ...

alma cogan twenty tiny fingers

an old record i used to listen to at my grandparents when i was a nipper. jolly old tune.

Alma Cogan