Pete Johnson - Backroom Blues

Pete Johnson - Backroom blues (1946)

Pete Johnson - Backroom blues (1946)- The Overjazz Channel aims to offer only the best recordings of the begining era of modern music. Re-discover genius ...

Pete Johnson - Backroom blues (1946)

Pete Johnson - Backroom blues (1946)

Onto the Carn Dearg Monadhliath ... or what? [June 6, 2016]

Walking the Carn Dearg in the Monadhliath, with Eddie aka 'Scots Wildcamper'. Nice expedition in appreciated company! Though a bit strenuous - some 19 km ...

Pete Johnson - Pete's lonesome blues (1946)

Pete Johnson - Pete's lonesome blues (1946)- The Overjazz Channel aims to offer only the best recordings of the begining era of modern music. Re-discover ...

Northern Holland - A home'run' south of Groningen [April 26, 2015]

Getting fit for the Munros. But this time - close to base! A route of some 31 km south of the City Groningen. On the one hand through fields & woodstrips studded ...

Pete Johnson