Raymond Lewenthal - Toccata Alla Scarlatti

Raymond Lewenthal (Toccata alla Scarlatti)

Does it sound "old"? Sounds can be deceiving. The late great pianist Raymond Lewenthal (1923-1988) wrote this little homage to Scarlatti in 1975. Filled with all ...

Raymond Lewenthal: Toccata alla Scarlatti - Sandro Russo, Piano

Raymond Lewenthal: Toccata alla Scarlatti Sandro Russo, Piano.

GEORGE ANTHEIL: Toccatas for Piano 1 and 2 - Philip Amalong

Toccata No. 1 Toccata No. 2 (starting at 1:53 mark) Philip Amalong, piano from Albany TROY1142 http://www.albanyrecords.com A fascinating look at how ...

ROY HARRIS: Toccata for Piano (1949) - Philip Amalong, piano

from Albany TROY1142 http://www.albanyrecords.com A fascinating look at how American composers have treated the toccata form. Touch: The Toccata Project ...

Gian Carlo Menotti / Raymond Lewenthal, 1956: Ricercare and Toccata

The late American pianist Raymond Lewenthal (1923-1988) performs the Ricercare and Toccata (on a theme from the opera, "The Old Maid and the Thief," by ...

Raymond Lewenthal