Sarah Brightman - It`s A Beautiful Day

Un bel giorno ...
Un bel giorno per morireUn bel di, vedremo
Le varsi un fil di fumo
Sull'e stremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appareWith every new day
Your promises fade away
It's a fine day to see
Though the last day for me
It's a beautiful dayUn bel di, vedremo
Le varsi un fil di fumo
Sull'e stremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appareWith every new day
Your promises fade away
It's a fine day to see
Though the last day for me
It's a beautiful dayIt's the last day for me
It's a beautiful dayIt's the last day for me
It's a beautiful day
Un bel giorno ...
Un bel giorno per morireUn bel di, vedremo
Le varsi un fil di fumo
Sull'e stremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appareWith every new day
Your promises fade away
It's a fine day to see
Though the last day for me
It's a beautiful dayUn bel di, vedremo
Le varsi un fil di fumo
Sull'e stremo con fin del mare
E poi la nave appareWith every new day
Your promises fade away
It's a fine day to see
Though the last day for me
It's a beautiful dayIt's the last day for me
It's a beautiful dayIt's the last day for me
It's a beautiful day


A Beautiful Day - Schiller ft Sarah Brightman

I have no intention to violate the rights of the copyright owners or infringing this song. I just want to share my creation ( video ) without any profit with people who ...

Sarah Brightman