EndLess - Srebrenica

Melodium - Srebrenica

Melodium - Srebrenica / Vilnius / 2007 http://www.discogs.com/Melodium-Vilnius/release/1038544.

THE ANGEL OF SREBRENICA (2010) a short film by Ado Hasanovic

www.adohasanovic.com Anđeo Srebrenice, a short film by Ado Hasanović about the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica is like a finely honed artistic jewel.

The massacre of Srebrenica- 11th of July anniversery

More than 500 newly identified victims of the Srebrenica massacre have been reburied since the tragedy in the Bosnian town. Thousands of people -- most of ...

trailer Andjeo Srebrenice - The Angel of Srebrenica

www.adohasanovic.com Title: Andjeo Srebrenice (The Angel of Srebrenica) Runtime: 5' 37'' Genre: Short Film, Drama, Dance, Musical, Art Completed: ...
