Milburn - The Genius And The Tramp

Milburn - The Genius and the Tramp

Milburn - The Genius and the Tramp.

Milburn - The Genius & The Tramp

A Tribute to the massively underrated class act that were Milburn. The tune's 'Genius & The Tramp' from the last album 'These Are The Facts'. Milburn were an indie rock band from Sheffield,...

Milburn - Genius and the Tramp - Sheff Acad - May 08

Milburn - Genius and the Tramp - Sheff Acad - May 08.

Milburn the genius and the tramp

Milburn the genius and the tramp from the album These are the facts One of the best bands to ever come out of Sheffield All righst to the music belong to the band and respecrive owners.
