Dan Bull - New Leaf

I have found a way out
I have found a way out
It's a dark and desolate path
It will take everything that I've got
But I have found a way out
I have found a way out
Oh Daniel Bull
You are such an awkward boy
Why do you do it
Oh Daniel Bull
You might be the death of me
But I love you
I put my life on the line didn't I
I pegged it up for prying eyes
It was a fresh CD
a clean sheet leaves me high and dry
but try as I might
I can't find the fight to retire no
So it's time that I livened up
Took a stride to the light and strut
I got a clean new opportunity
to produce CD two beautifully
Would you believe I'm in a super human league
I mean who else can do what I do to beats musically
As soon as DAN BULL spells trouble
then you can leave
Meanwhile please stay glued to your seats
so you can see the ace up my new sleeve
I didn't decide to pick up a biro no
didn't decide to pick up a microphone
woe betide my open eyes
so I've opened my soul and lo and behold
Ive broken the mould
Try as I might
I can't find the fight to retire no
So it's time that I livened up
Took the mic and said hiya chuck
If I was a peg which I'm not
I'd hold you
But I have found a way out
I have found a way out
I have found a way out
I have found a way out
It's a dark and desolate path
It will take everything that I've got
But I have found a way out
I have found a way out
Oh Daniel Bull
You are such an awkward boy
Why do you do it
Oh Daniel Bull
You might be the death of me
But I love you
I put my life on the line didn't I
I pegged it up for prying eyes
It was a fresh CD
a clean sheet leaves me high and dry
but try as I might
I can't find the fight to retire no
So it's time that I livened up
Took a stride to the light and strut
I got a clean new opportunity
to produce CD two beautifully
Would you believe I'm in a super human league
I mean who else can do what I do to beats musically
As soon as DAN BULL spells trouble
then you can leave
Meanwhile please stay glued to your seats
so you can see the ace up my new sleeve
I didn't decide to pick up a biro no
didn't decide to pick up a microphone
woe betide my open eyes
so I've opened my soul and lo and behold
Ive broken the mould
Try as I might
I can't find the fight to retire no
So it's time that I livened up
Took the mic and said hiya chuck
If I was a peg which I'm not
I'd hold you
But I have found a way out
I have found a way out
Dan Bull - New Leaf

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Dan Bull