Two Door Cinema Club - Pyramid

Take me through the pyramid
Show us life and things that you did
Each and every thing I see
Takes me back before I was me
We have seen what lies beneath the earth
Everything that has ever been and will become
Where are all these singing birds
We would say but that's not what we heard
We have seen what lies beneath the earth
Everything that has ever been and will become
We have seen the world for what it's worth
Everything that's in between can still be done
Just one day is all that we needed so we could believe it all
In some way we already knew it we just had to prove it all
We have seen what lies beneath the earth
Everything that has ever been and will become
We have seen the world for what it's worth
Everything that's in between can still be done
Take me through the pyramid
Show us life and things that you did
Each and every thing I see
Takes me back before I was me
We have seen what lies beneath the earth
Everything that has ever been and will become
Where are all these singing birds
We would say but that's not what we heard
We have seen what lies beneath the earth
Everything that has ever been and will become
We have seen the world for what it's worth
Everything that's in between can still be done
Just one day is all that we needed so we could believe it all
In some way we already knew it we just had to prove it all
We have seen what lies beneath the earth
Everything that has ever been and will become
We have seen the world for what it's worth
Everything that's in between can still be done
Two Door Cinema Club - Pyramid lyrics on screen

Pyramid lyrics from their new album Beacon! -I'll try to upload more asap. -If you want me to make a lyric video of anything ask me here or on my tumblr: ...

Two Door Cinema Club - Pyramid (lyric video)

lyric video made for my motion graphics class. made in Adobe After Effects. (little known fact: I had little to no idea what I was doing!)

Two Door Cinema Club - Handshake

Directed by Sam Pilling The album Beacon is out now: Order the Handshake EP here: ...

Two Door Cinema Club