Sir Peter Pears, Benjamin Britten - How Sweet The Answer


Folksong of Benjamin Britten with piano, voice, clarinet, hornpipe and whistle.

Little sir William Benjamin Britten

A Celtic piece of Benjamin Britten whith voice, piano , cornemuse and whistle.

Little Sir William - Jacob Carpenter

My rendition of the traditional ballad "Little Sir William," famously performed by tenor Benjamin Britten and treble Max Riebl. As before, I have no formal training ...

Britten - Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, Op. 31 [Part 1/2]

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings, Op. 31: Prologue 0:01 Pastoral 1:25 Nocturne 5:07 Elegy 8:35 Written in 1943. Robert Tear ...

Sir Peter Pears, Benjamin Britten