Freestyle - Ebony And Ivory

EBONY and IVORY cover by FREESTYLE BAND from the Philippines

FREESTYLE Band. One of the Philippine's celebrated band performing a cover song EBONY and Ivory.

Freestyle - Ebony & Ivory

from their Live at 19th East album March 19, 2007 - Tiendesitas.

Ebony and Ivory Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder (lyrics)

For my friend :) (I don't own this song, this song is not in my property, all rights deserve to its owner)

Ebony and Ivory (freestyle cover) (bass cover)

Ebony and Ivory (freestyle cover) ( #basscover) im using my 99 Fender American STD JB5 straight to my scarlett6i6 no eq settings strings are old 3 ( B-E-A) is ...

ebony & ivory

freestyle band live at 19east.
