Ferrara - Love Attack

Ferrara - Love Attack (1979)

Ferrara - Love Attack (12")

Ferrara - Love Attack [DiscoNet Remix] (Midsong International Records 1979)

"Love Attack" is a song by John Ferrara which raced up the charts in 1979. The song, a high energy thriller, has a haunting snake charmers feel to it. A joyous uplifting vocal chorus. Ferrara...

Ferrara - Love Attack 1979

Producer, Arranged by, Written by John Ferrara. On Midsongs International Records, Inc. background vocals by Angela Bofill.

Love Attack...Ferrara

Love Attack by Ferrara. Disco Music Gifs from Gifshare.

Ferrara - Love Attack Remix]

Disclaimer: Music and Clip belong to rightful owners, in short...not mine! Notice: Music and dance sometimes doesn't synch, but who cares? You came here for the dancer, right?
