Mr. - Wake Up

Alarm clock and getting up | Mr Bean Official

Mr Bean has an ingenius alarm clock to make sure he doesn't oversleep. Bean gets ready for his day when he finally gets up, getting his nose stuck in his razer.

Mr. - 《Wake Up》MV

立即到iTunes 預購Mr. 2014 年最新國語專輯 由即日起到iTunes Store 預購Mr. 最新國語專輯《飛行的一百個理由》 ,憑iTunes 購買收...

Wake Up - Mr. (Drum covered by Easonsiu)

港人。Wake Up!!!!!!! 終於趕得切係7月前錄左哩首本來唸住係5月頭錄既cover lol 不過遲有遲著,宜家post仲應景~個政府做野連我哩個政治冷感...

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)

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