The Washington Winds - Let The Christmas Season Begin!

PBS NewsHour full episode Dec. 12, 2016

Monday on the NewsHour, as the CIA concludes Russia acted to sway the U.S. election in Donald Trump's favor, a bipartisan group of senators calls for an ...

One Direction - Night Changes

One Direction's second single Night Changes, from the NEW album FOUR, is out now! iTunes: Amazon: ...

The 700 Club - December 1, 2016

It's the final season of a TV sensation. As “Duck Dynasty” nears its end, these Robertsons aren't slowing down. They're trading in their duck calls for fishing rods.

PBS NewsHour full episode Dec. 7, 2016

Wednesday on the NewsHour, as President-elect Donald Trump expands his team, we examine how the future commander-in-chief is redefining the presidential ...

"Thoughts on Christmas" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon) Here is the link to make an online donation to Faithful Word Baptist Church: ...

The Washington Winds