Anoushka Shankar - Say Your Prayers (Matt Robertson Remix)

Anoushka Shankar - Say Your Prayers (Matt Robertson Remix)

Listen to Matt Robertson's remix of Anoushka Shankar's “Say Your Prayers” ( from her album “Land of Gold” ...

Anoushka Shankar - Boat To Nowhere (Matt Robertson Remix)

Listen to Matt Robertson's remix of Anoushka Shankar's “Boat to Nowhere” ( from her album “Land of Gold” ...

Anoushka Shankar - Crossing the Rubicon (Shiva Soundsystem Remix)

Listen to Shiva Soundsystem's remix of Anoushka Shankar's “Crossing the Rubicon” ( from her album “Land of Gold” ...

Anoushka Shankar - Encore, Seattle WA 4-9-2016

I do not own any of this content, my account is not monetized. I just film and upload for pure music education and promotion for the music artists. So go out and ...

Anoushka Shankar