Powell St. John - Jerry Lightfoot

Jerry Lightfoot, Better Days

The song "Better Days" from the CD of the same name. Jerry Lightfoot And The Essentials. Vocals by Jerry La Croix. I do not own the publishing rights to this ...

Jerry Lightfoot & The Essential Band W/ Special Guest Bill Rowe - Can't Hurt Me No More

To be good or great at what you do requires several things.....and one of the most important is passion. Those of us who have followed the Houston Blues scene ...

Jerry Lightfoot - Steve Krase - Born In Houston

To be good or great at what you do requires several things.....and one of the most important is passion. Those of us who have followed the Houston Blues scene ...

Jerry Lightfoot & Big Walter - 1994

Big Walter "The Thunderbird" has been playin' the blues for longer than most of us have been alive. If you are interested in his boogie woogie style piano....you ...

Powell St. John