Sandro Brugnolini - Adrie`s Dream

Brain - Sandro Brugnolini

Brain - Sandro Brugnolini Album "Overground" - Sandro Brugnolini [1970] Recorded at Dirmaphon Studio, Rome, March 12 & 13, 1970. Originally released on ...

Sandro Brugnolini - Amofen (1970)

Off the album "Overground". Honestly, I think most of the best music in 70s Italy was made for library and OST. This one's a nice track (if only it didn't end so ...

Sandro Brugnolini - Roxy

da "Overground" [1970] Recorded at Dirmaphon Studio, Rome, March 12 & 13, 1970.

Cirotil - Sandro Brugnolini

Cirotil - Sandro Brugnolini Album "Overground" - Sandro Brugnolini [1970] Recorded at Dirmaphon Studio, Rome, March 12 & 13, 1970. Originally released on ...

Sandro Brugnolini