Arco - Last Bus

last bus sails away

and night calls
an end to another day
no more you can do

to fight the things
you need to get you through
someone to be strong
some belief that on the way
some peace could be found
we're all the same
as the last bus sails away

last bus sails away

and everything
you were falls away
only this remains

always underneath our tired games
clear eyed or confused
a quiet heart still feels the same
angered or amused
we're lost again
as the last bus sails away

last bus sails away

and night calls
an end to another day
no more you can do

to fight the things
you need to get you through
someone to be strong
some belief that on the way
some peace could be found
we're all the same
as the last bus sails away

last bus sails away

and everything
you were falls away
only this remains

always underneath our tired games
clear eyed or confused
a quiet heart still feels the same
angered or amused
we're lost again
as the last bus sails away

Arco Whitney Bus Bar Punching With Auto Stopper Al

Arco Whitney Brand PLC Bus Bar Punching Machine with Auto Stopper.

Bus del Diaol - Arco

Domenica uggiosa #farequalcosadialternativo #semprealtop.

Maloofs Woo Kings Fans To Arco With Bus

The Maloofs are rolling out a fan bus to woo Sacramento Kings fans back to home games.

Bus del Diaol - Arco (TN)

La grotta di Patone o di Ceniga, meglio conosciuta col nome di Bus del Diaol, si apre ad una quota di 250 m s.l.m. nel comune di Arco. Si tratta di una grotta ...

Arco Whitney Bus Bar Punching With Auto Stopper Cu

Arco Whitney Brand PLC Bus Bar Punching Machine with Auto Stopper.
