The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter - Birthday Madrigals My True Love Hath A Heart

"My True Love Hath My Heart" from "Birthday Madrigals"

The fourth movement, "My True Love Hath My Heart" from John Rutter's "Birthday Madrigals". Recorded by Tamesis Chamber Choir as part of the second ...

My true love hath my heart - John Rutter

from St. Lawrence Choir's 'Mass in Blue' concert (May 2016) with Juno Award winning saxophonist Christine Jensen; pianist, Chad Linsley; bass, Adrian Vedady ...

4. My true love hath my heart (John Rutter's Birthday madrigals)By 외대합창단

John Rutter's Birthday madrigals By 외대합창단 (Choir of HUFS) 외대합창단 27회 하모니아메이 2015. 5. 29 한국외대 서울캠퍼스 사이버대 대강당.

My true love hath my heart - John Rutter

Bel Canto Burnside High School Conductor Susan Densem Accompanist justine Lee The Big Sing 2015 Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington NZ 13-15 August ...

"Come Live With Me and Be My Love" from "Birthday Madrigals"

The third movement, "Come Live With Me and Be My Love" from John Rutter's "Birthday Madrigals". Recorded by Tamesis Chamber Choir as part of the second ...

The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter