Radiohead - How I Made My Millions

I was stronger
I was better
Picked you out
Now don't say a word
No don't yell out
Never mind
Let you out
Led you back
Stay on
Sit down
Let it fall
Let it fall
Let it fall
Let it fall
I was stronger
I was better
Picked you out
Now don't say a word
No don't yell out
Never mind
Let you out
Led you back
Stay on
Sit down
Let it fall
Let it fall
Let it fall
Let it fall
Radiohead - How I made my millions

How I made my millions de Rh, este es en el que se escucha a la novia de Thom (Rachel) lavando los platos...ejemm...solo un dato.

Radiohead - How i made my millions

video for the song how i made millions from radiohead.

Radiohead - How I Made My Millions - Tutorial (Part 1)

One of my subscribers (drbo42) asked my to do a tutorial of this song. I thought it was going to be easy, but it has taken much longer than I thought. The recording is low quality, so it's...

Radiohead - How I Made My Millions (cover)

A cover of How I Made My Millions by Radiohead Come say hello, be my friend, and listen to my own music

Radiohead - How I Made My Millions - Lyrics

I was stronger I was better Picked you out Now don't say a word No don't yell out Never mind Let you out Led you back Stay on Sit down Let it fall Let it fall Let it fall Let it fall.
