Cab Calloway - Don`t Falter At The Alter


"Don't falter at the Alter" by Cab Calloway.

Cab Calloway - Don't falter at the Alter - (Album Peasant Tasting Christmas Dinner)

Cab Calloway - Don't falter at the Alter - (Album Peasant Tasting Christmas Dinner)

geraly's wedding jam 2

this footage was filmed by victor d. at lindybunny and dj's wedding reception (marines memorial club, san francisco, 10/21/00). the song is "don't falter at the ...

Cab Calloway 1947 Hi De Ho (music excerpt)

46:27 excerpt from 1946/11, released 47/5/9 USA, HI DE HO -- Josh Binney (f dir); with Ida James, Jeni LeGon; Buster Harding; Dusty Fletcher, Cab Calloway ...

Don't Falter at the Alter

Performance Swing Spring 2010. Choreography by Haley Gittleman and Jeremiah Pearse. Performers: Haley Gittleman, Jeremiah Pearse, Samantha Nahra, ...

Cab Calloway