Eric Johnson - Brilliant Room

Brilliant Room - Eric Johnson

Brilliant Room (Up Close 2010) by Eric Johnson. "Outside this brilliant room, are parts unknown But you love is all I need right now, to get me home Through ...

Eric Johnson & Malford Milligan - Brilliant Room

All ATX HAAM Benefit at the Moody Theatre 2013.

Eric Johnson - Brilliant Room (LIVE) in São Paulo

Track 3 - Brilliant Room - Up Close ...Through these life's windows, and separating all the angels; My mind starts to linger, pearls slip through my fingers I can't ...

"Brilliant Room" - Eric Johnson & Malford Milligan

All ATX HAAM Benefit at the Moody Theatre. My phone battery died at the end, but I caught most if it. The acoustics aren't too great side stage though. Watch for ...

Eric Johnson - Up Close World Tour 2012

Legendary guitarist Eric Johnson on the road with bassist Chris Maresh and drummer Wayne Salzmann during the Up Close World Tour 2012.

Eric Johnson