블랙 신드롬 - Save My Soul

블랙신드롬 - save my soul

블랙신드롬 - save my soul.

블랙신드롬 - feed the power cable into me

블랙신드롬 - feed the power cable into me.

160131 [KING OF TRIBUTE] 블랙 신드롬(Black Syndrome)_Highway to Hell (AC/DC Tribute) @프리즘홀

[KING OF TRIBUTE] AC/DC "Highway to Hell " Tribute by Black Syndrome @PrismHall (2016.01.31)

블랙신드롬 - man under the moon

블랙신드롬 - man under the moon.

블랙신드롬 - voodoo child

2015.10.23. 이시영의 아유레디 게스트 [블랙신드롬] 첫 연주곡.

블랙 신드롬