Sharon Campbell - Wuthering Heights

WUTHERING HEIGHTS: This Was Once a Happy Place

The title song from Bernard J. Taylor's musical version of Wuthering Heights, sung by Sharon Campbell.


A song from the musical version of Wuthering Heights by Bernard J. Taylor, sung by Lesley Garrett and Sharon Campbell. The song is a duet representing a ...

WUTHERING HEIGHTS Introduction to the musical

Introduced by Denholm Elliott and featuring Lesley Garrett, Dave Willetts, Bonnie Langford, Sharon Campbell and the cast of the Ashland Community College ...

WUTHERING HEIGHTS: Our House on the Hill

From the musical version of the Emily Bronte classic. This is the only stage adaptation of the novel that has been endorsed by the Bronte Society.

Sometimes Secretly by Sharon Campbell (BFG 1989)

This is a video focused around the song sometimes secretly by Sharon Campbell. I really enjoy the song and it kept on playing in my head, yet I could not find ...

Sharon Campbell