Band of the Royal Military School of Music - River Kwai March


Band Of The Royal Military School Of Music.

Colonel Bogey March

Trompetterkorps der Koninklijke Marechaussee (The Band of Her Majesty Royal Netherlands Military Police) (Orchester der Königlich Niederländischen ...

British Army musicians flashmob: "Sing, Sing, Sing" in Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, 21 Sep 2013

British Army musicians entertained unsuspecting passersby with a flashmob performance in Birmingham's Chamberlain Square. The 60 professionals, from both ...

Flash mob - 4th Infantry Division „Gemina” Military Band

The military band of 4th Infantry Division making a flash mob on the occasion of National Ground Forces Day. Location: Romania, Cluj-Napoca, Iulius Mall.

HM Marines Band - Colonel Bogey

The band of HM Royal Marines play Colonel Bogey as they march through the streets of Glasgow.

Band of the Royal Military School of Music