Nicki Parrott - Fly Me to the Moon

Nicki Parrott - Fly Me To The Moon

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Fly Me to The Moon

Nicki Parrott - bass/vocals, Andrew Dickeson - drums, John Harkins - piano, Brad Child - saxophone. Playing "Fly Me To The Moon" Live at Venue 505, Sydney. February 16, 2012.

Fly Me to The Moon - Diana Panton

Vocals: Diana Panton Piano: Don Thompson Guitar: Reg Schwager Bass: Neil Swainson Lyrics and Music: Bart Howard Live performance at INCEPTION SOUND STUDIOS Produced by LEADING PICTURES Engineer:...

Fly me to the moon 聴き比べ

1954年に作曲された当時のタイトルは「In other words」で三拍子でしたが、その後タイトルも変わりさまざまな曲調にアレンジされてます。 月面着陸...

Nicki Parrott