Charlie Daniels - Trudy (Album Version)

The Charlie Daniels Band - Trudy.wmv

Fire on the Mountain is a 1974 album by Charlie Daniels appearing on the record label Kama Sutra Records, then later in 1976 by Capitol Records. Most of the ...

Charlie Daniels / Trudy

Audio from Fire on the Mountain, released 1974. Originally released on his self-titled debut album "Charlie Daniels" released 1970.

Trudy (Charlie Daniels Band) w/ lyrics

This 1974 song by Charlie Daniels was released on his album "Fire on the Mountain". It was released again in 1978 on his "Volunteer Jam" album. The song did ...

The Charlie Daniels Band - Trudy.wmv

This album shows Charlie at his lean and basic best. For a first solo album, it is not a bad CD to listen to, though it gets a little embarrasing to listen to at times.

The Charlie Daniels Band - Georgia

Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine Release year - 1975 Four albums in, Charlie Daniels -- now fronting the Charlie Daniels Band -- finally found a way to not ...

Charlie Daniels