Gordon MacRae - Laura

Gordon MacRae ~ Laura

Laura by Gordon MacRae - from 1957 - his rendition of the music from the 1944 film by the same name - starring the lovely Gene Tierney.

Gordon MacRae - "If I Loved You" (1960)

Gordon MacRae performing "If I Loved You" (1960)

(HD 720p) "If I Loved You" (Carousel - Reprise), Gordon MacRae

Gordon MacRae's rendition of "If I Loved You" (reprise) from the soundtrack of the 1957 movie. This video is not viewable in Japan due to copyright restriction..

Gordon MacRae - Jealousy

From "Motion Picture Soundstage" CD. Also sung by Kathryn Grayson in "Anchors Aweigh."

Gordon MacRae