Laura Nyro - Gibsom Street

Don't go to gibsom cross the river
The devil is hungry
The devil is sweet
If you are soft then you will shiver
They hang the alley cats on gibsom street
I wish my baby were forbidden
I wish my world be struck by sleet
I wish to keep my mirror hidden
To hide the eyes that looked on gibsom street
There is a man he knows where I'm going
Gave me a strawberry to eat
I sucked its juices never knowing
That I would sleep that night on gibsom street

Don't go to gibsom cross the river
The devil is hungry
The devil is sweet
If you are soft then you will shiver
They hang the alley cats on gibsom street
I wish my baby were forbidden
I wish my world be struck by sleet
I wish to keep my mirror hidden
To hide the eyes that looked on gibsom street
There is a man he knows where I'm going
Gave me a strawberry to eat
I sucked its juices never knowing
That I would sleep that night on gibsom street

LAURA NYRO gibsom st

from the 1969 album LAURA NYRO-NEW YORK TENDABERRY - created at

Gibsom Street

Laura Nyro Gibsom Street.

Portland Xmas 07 Snow Laura Nyro Gibsom Street

Video taken in Portland Oregon Dec 25th, 2007 of Pioneer, Square, Washington Park, and a pool. Soundtrack is Laura Nyro's "Gibsom Street" from 1969.

Gibsom street: Laura Nyro cover (chords and rythm by me)

Hey another crappy quality video, not really happy with the performance either, but I thought I'd see how it went anyway. I've covered a Laura Nyro song but put ...

Laura Nyro