Dion - The Wanderer

Dion - The Wanderer - HD - Video - Stereo Sound .

"The Wanderer" is a song written by Ernie Maresca and originally recorded by Dion. The song, with a 12-bar blues-base verse and an eight-bar bridge, tells the ...

The Wanderer - Dion (BEST QUALITY)

Dion said of "The Wanderer":[1] At its roots, it's more than meets the eye. "The Wanderer" is black music filtered through an Italian neighborhood that comes out ...

Dion - The Wanderer [Fallout 4 - Wanderer Trailer Song]

Have a look at my moody Fallout 4 review.

Dion - The Wanderer ( Alternate Stereo Verison )

From the 'Runaround Sue' album. Backed up with del satins.
