민희라 - 언제 주님 다시 오실는지

162. When Jesus Comes to Reward 162. 언제 주님 다시 오실는지

1. Will our lamps be filled and ready When the Bridegroom comes? And our Lights be clear and ready When the Bridegroom comes? In the night, (In the night) ...

等到新郎来的时候 신랑되신 주님 다시 오실 때 - Music Sensation

等到新郎来的时候 - Music Sensation Arranged by Chow Yarn Vocal by Tim Mixed and Mastered by KeanBin and Abraham.

[Hymn #175] Will our lamps be filled, E.R.Latta, W.J.Kirkpatrick - [찬송가 175장] 신랑 되신 예수께서

[Hymn #175] Will our lamps be filled, E.R.Latta, W.J.Kirkpatrick - [찬송가 175장] 신랑 되신 예수께서 재림 174. [Hymn #174] Lo He comes with clouds descending, ...

찬송가 162장,----신랑 되신 예수께서 다시 오실때 밝은 등불.

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