Good Day - Happy Virus

Chanyeol's a Happy virus of EXO

Chanyeol really is a hyperkinetic, he creates fun atmosphere for the whole group by ruin my image ^^ But I LOVE him... EXO fighting.

[FanMV] 141127 Happy EXO's chanyeol day! - Happy Virus Day

This video is especially made for Chanyeol Oppa. It was just a simple manipulating story i made from the MV Chanyeol's in. hahahaha for other fans, dont be ...

Happy Virus Day

Here is the video of Happy Virus Day from page EXO Cambodia Addicted. We, admins would like to share this video to all exostans around the world for their ...

14.11.27 happy virus day~

love you and will support always baby~

Red Velvet Joy & BTOB Sungjae (SungJoy) - The Happy Virus Couple

When Joy meet Sungjae, the world is a happy place.

Good Day