Michael Chance - Purcell : Music For A While

Michael Chance Music for a while

Michael Chance, H. Purcell: Music For a While, Concert in San Gimignano, 22/08/15, Summer Music Academy Siena, Paul Beier, theorbo,

Music for a while, H. Purcell, Michael Chance

Michael Chance, countertenor, Paul Beier, lute, Early Music Festival, St Petersburg 2015,

Michael Chance An Evenning Hymn

Interprétes: Sexteto Fretwork & Contratenor Michael Chance. ..... Autor: Henry Purcell.

Michael Chance. Paul Beier. English music of the XVII c.

Earlymusic-2015. Санкт-Петербург. Белый зал Гатчинского дворца-музея. 20.09.2015. Выступают Майкл Чанс (контратенор)...

Michael Chance