The Philadelphia Sports Band - Placido Polanco

Phillies vs Marlins 2007 - Utley homers during the wave

Phillies vs Marlins, Chase Utley home run during the wave.

Hunter Pence's Pre-game Intro

Footage of Fanavision and crowd reaction of Hunter Pence's first introduction as a Phillies at CBB. Also, Polanco returning to the line-up after being on the DL ...

San Francisco Giants Fans Exposed, Stop Crying!! (With Love, From Philly)

It's been 8 months, that's right 8 MONTHS since I have talked about the San Francisco Giants and yet Giants fans are STILL CRYING about what I said towards ...

MJR cover Sunday Morning ( Special Dedication )

this was a video we just decided to make :) so yeah not much really and i hope you all enjoy. Special Dedication towards Amy Alligan And George Kalukusha :)

2012 Philadelphia Phillies

2012 Philadelphia Phillies Roster.

The Philadelphia Sports Band