Louis Armstrong - Big Butter and Egg Man

Louis Armstrong Hot Five & May Alix - Big Butter & Egg Man From the West 1926

Louis Armstrong's Hot Five. "Big Butter and Egg Man" is a 1926 jazz song written by Percy Venable. Venable was a record producer at the Sunset Cafe and ...

Louis Armstrong - Big Butter and Egg Man (High Quality - Remastered)


Louis Armstrong With Velma Middleton - Big Butter And Egg Man

Supporting:- http://www.heel2heal.net/ Professional Dog Training Services, Florida. A lovely song by this 70s "Easy listening" Duet. Taken from the original 1974 ...

Louis Armstrong - 08 - I Want A Big Butter & Egg Man

From the album "Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None of My Jelly Roll" 1964 Ripped from vinyl.

Louis Armstrong