Kevin Bluemel - Eye of the Storm

Vitality - Kevin Bluemel (original)

Kevin Bluemel performing Vitality from his album Uncharted. Please visit for more music and downloads. Please like at ...

Sailing the Forgotten - Kevin Bluemel (original)

Thank you for listening. Download a free copy of this song from my website at

Elton John - Your Song (Kevin Bluemel) Kevin Bluemel performing Sir Elton John's classic, Your Song. Please visit to see more.

The End of Autumn - Kevin Bluemel (original)

Kevin Bluemel playing The End of Autumn, a song he wrote and composed. Free downloads of this song, sheet music, and a full instrumental version, are ...


20080120 發表會的前一週最後緊鑼密鼓的練習尚未編曲完成的"Santorini", (一直到表演前幾天我跟佩穎都還在修修改改, 3個人用Electone、Piano、手鼓,...

Kevin Bluemel