Canned Heat - One Kind Favor

Canned Heat - One Kind Favor

Artist: Canned Heat Album: Living The Blues Year: 1968 Track: 7.

CANNED HEAT • One Kind Favor • 1968

Created with

One Kind Favor -- Blues Instrumental -- old Canned Heat tune This is an old and fairly obscure but good, blues tune, "One Kind Favor" by Blind Lemon Jefferson, as recorded by Canned Heat on ...

One Kind Favor By CANNED HEAT (Cover)

It's my Birthday...#66 I sang this song with 'The Geneva Convention' in 67' consisting of Earl V.(Guitar and Vocals) , Larry G.(Drums) Kenny (Scrunch)Moore ...

Canned Heat - One Kind Favor - arranged & adapted by L.T. Tatman lll recorded live in Duluth,Minn.

I have a little story that goes with most of our videos and I am trying to get them written as fast as I can but Mark is really gettin' into this so he's raging through our ...

Canned Heat