Don Beekeeper - Free

Flow™ Hive Full Reveal

It's the beekeepers dream, turn a tap right on your beehive and watch pure fresh honey flow right out of your Flow™ hive and into your Jar! No mess no fuss and ...

Tips for Getting Started in Beekeeping

Interested in beekeeping but just don't know where to begin? Here are some tips and tricks to help you know where to start. If you are interested in joining one of ...

New beekeepers watch this video treatment free or not beekeeping basics

Please read entire description before making a judgment call. Remember folks mites is basically a bug, not a virus, not bacteria. So saying bees can resist mites ...

Michael Bush on Treatment-Free Beekeeping - HoneyLove

Michael Bush, author and beekeeper, discusses why beekeepers should go treatment-free. Check out Michael's website: ...

Beek Speak | John Gates - Bee health for beginner beekeepers

John Gates shares his knowledge on bee health for beginner beekeepers. This broad overview discusses the principals of bee nutrition, diseases, overwintering ...

Don Beekeeper