Esther and Howard - This Graceful Man

Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth - Amazing dance scene

An incredible dance by two legendary Hollywood dancers of the golden era. This is a clip from the movie "You Were Never Lovelier" and dancing to a remixed, ...

Wrestling Isn't Wrestling

A somewhat-mostly-accurate educational parody film by Max Landis. This production is not monetized, and not for profit. The clips used herein are used with ...

Let her go | contemporary dance

So I got bored and made up another dance and I just loved this song! I could really just feel the song and its what I'm kind of feeling right now.... Sorry there is a ...

A bold message about beauty | Michelle Serna | TEDxSanFrancisco

What makes us define beauty as our external being rather than who we are internally? A high school student and past Miss California High School Rodeo ...

Ruma Adonai / Be Exalted O LORD Psalm 21

"RUMA ADONAI B'UZECHA NASHIRA U'NIZAMERA GEVURATECHA!" Tehilim Kaf Alef 14 Be Exalted O LORD in Your Strength! We will sing and praise Your ...

Esther and Howard