Slovenski Oktet, Nicolai Gedda - Pesem

Nicolai Gedda and Slovenski oktet in Kol slaven (and talk)

Sung in Barbara Hendricks gala. I translated the talk, except a few things that I didn't catch.

"Down the Volga river" Nicolai Gedda and Slovenski oktet (Vniz po matuške po Volge)

Live recording from the concert of the music festival Carinthischer Sommer Ossiach - Villach (Osoje-Beljak), July 15, 1990.

S. Zarov Ej uhnjem

Slovenski oktet Kranjska Gora, Dvorana Vitranc, 24.7.2010.

P. Mihelcic: Svi su venci vejli

Slovenski oktet Kranjska Gora, Dvorana Vitranc, 24.7.2010.

Slovenski oktet "Pojdam v Rute"

Slovenski oktet was the leading Slovenian vocal ensemble (Slovenian octet) with more than fifty years of tradition. The members ...

Slovenski Oktet, Nicolai Gedda