Dave - Liberty Bridge

David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Dissapears part 3

Found on an old VHS Tape from 1983. David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty part 3. Unfortunately I ran out of tape just before he brings it back.

How Did David Copperfield Make the Statue of Liberty Disappear? EXPLAINED

How was the Statue of Liberty made to disappear by David Copperfield? Explained, Revealed and Exposed. Here is a link to the original illusion.

Husband of officer killed in violent Liberty Bridge crash pays tribute

Respected, strong and nice were words people used to describe Kristine Bartman and for the first time since the accident her husband talks about her memory.

Frozen in Time | David Blaine

Final Moments From David Blaine's Frozen in Time Stunt. David experiences delusions in which he believes himself to be dead. Official Store: ...

Liberty Call, Singapore with the Family!

Lt. Cmdr. Dave Hecht and family explore family-friendly activities in Singapore.
