The Wayfaring Strangers - Cry, Cry, Darling

Cry Cry Darlin'

Laura Orshaw sings Cry Cry Darlin at Berklee Performing Arts center 9/12/14. Part of the Muddy and Monroe show.

Andy Griffith - Darlings - There Is A Time

The Darlings are in town visiting and Charlene sings her signature song.

T for Texas

The Wayfaring Strangers at the Berklee College of Music Performing Arts Center “Inspired by Muddy and Monroe” September 12,2014 Artistic Director Matt ...

Ed Sheeran - Afire Love

Things were all good yesterday And then the devil took your memory And if you fell to your death today I hope that heaven is your resting place I heard the ...

The Wayfaring Strangers