Vic Damone - Deck the Halls

Deck The Halls - Vic Damone

I can't tell you how much this 1968 Christmas LP brings back the memories from growing up in the 60's and 70's. My Family, mostly my two sisters and I would sit ...

Vic Damone Deck The Halls

Vic Damone Deck The Halls 1967 for a musical Merry Christmas volume 4 prepared expressly for the BF Goodrich company by RCA Victor.

Deck the Halls - Vic Damone (33 rpm)

song: Deck the Halls artist: Vic Damone vinyl label: RCA Victor.

Door # 24 - Vic Damone and Arthur Fiedler - Deck The Halls and Sleigh Ride

Here is the final entry for the 2016 Musical Advent Calendar. Vic Damone with "Deck The Halls" and Arthur Fiedler with "Sleigh Ride" - Merry Christmas to all.

Deck the Halls

another classic.

Vic Damone