Echo Trio - Sandu (Clifford Brown)

Housed for Edward - Mike Brown Trio

A contemporary take on the blues, great composition by Branford Marsalis [Trio Jeepy album] Mike Brown - Tenor Sax Stuart Barker - Bass John Hirst - Drums ...

Tobias Hoffmann Trio - Recording Sessions (HD)

CD OUT NOW! Tobias Hoffmann - "11 Famous Songs Tenderly Messed Up" Order the CD at or download it on iTunes or Amazon Tobias ...

Conte Candoli All-Stars - Countin' the Blues

Conte Candoli All-Stars - Countin' the Blues (1960) Personnel: Conte Candoli (trumpet), Buddy Collette (tenor sax), Vince Guaraldi (piano), Leroy Vinnegar ...

I Hear A Rhapsody - Talio x Jimmy Macbride

A pop song from the 1940s. "I Hear A Rhapsody" [Fragos * Baker * Gasparre] Instrumental : Performed by Talio (Double Bass) and Jimmy Macbride (Drums).

Echo Trio