NBC - Jester and the King

The NbC: Jester and the King

The track "Jester and the King" from our Album Poseidon's Crown has under gone a facelift as has the band so here is what we sound like nowadays can't wait ...

Rajiv Satyal: "The Jester is King" | Talks at Google

Rajiv Satyal is an Indian-American standup comedian. He hosts his own weekly show at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood and has garnered 4 million+ YouTube ...

P.O.E. Philosophy Of Evil - The King's Jester (LIVE)

Live performance from "Music in the Bosk" contest at La Baia 2 (Luzzara) on 04-09-2016. First prize winner. Our new EP "The Tell-Tale Heart" is available on ...

G'wan Home, Your Mudder's Callin' - The Kings Jesters (Vogue Picture Record)

The King's Jesters began as a comic vocal trio that also played instruments along with an accompaniest. They were John Ravencroft - sax and clarinet, Francis ...

Sylvester the Jester invades the Warner Bros.

My new Australian buddy, Anthony D'amasi invited me to do a spot on Kids WB in Melburne Australia. April of 2011.