Two Ton Shoe - George

georgie in the morning
dreams that it's his birthday
gives himself another
gets up and drinks a beer
georgie in the pantry
feeling for his eyeballs
thinks about a shower
and sees these shapes appear
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
whatcha doin'here
please let me through
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
watcha doin' here
what should i do

georgie in the sunshine
brains are frying slowly
always window shopping
never buys a thing
watch another movie
skim another magazine
leering quiet monsters
peering from the cover
maybe it's a phase
it seems more like a lifetime
he needs a moral compass
the boy scouts never gave
georgie's got a few holes
leaking out his wisdom
a dumpy demonstration
across the finish line
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
whatcha doin'here
please let me through
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
watcha doin' here
what should i do
faces all around him
promise him a real life
reaching for his motivation
and the situation
he's tried to leave behind

and georgie sits slone
starts chattin' with his shadow
super hero questionnaires
ain't what they used to be
he leaves no certain trail
he's off to see the wizard
maybe if you're lucky
you'll see him pass your way
whatcha doin'here
i beg your pardon
whatcha doin'here
please let me through
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
watcha doin' here
what should i do

georgie in the morning
dreams that it's his birthday
gives himself another
gets up and drinks a beer
georgie in the pantry
feeling for his eyeballs
thinks about a shower
and sees these shapes appear
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
whatcha doin'here
please let me through
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
watcha doin' here
what should i do

georgie in the sunshine
brains are frying slowly
always window shopping
never buys a thing
watch another movie
skim another magazine
leering quiet monsters
peering from the cover
maybe it's a phase
it seems more like a lifetime
he needs a moral compass
the boy scouts never gave
georgie's got a few holes
leaking out his wisdom
a dumpy demonstration
across the finish line
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
whatcha doin'here
please let me through
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
watcha doin' here
what should i do
faces all around him
promise him a real life
reaching for his motivation
and the situation
he's tried to leave behind

and georgie sits slone
starts chattin' with his shadow
super hero questionnaires
ain't what they used to be
he leaves no certain trail
he's off to see the wizard
maybe if you're lucky
you'll see him pass your way
whatcha doin'here
i beg your pardon
whatcha doin'here
please let me through
whatcha doin' here
i beg your pardon
watcha doin' here
what should i do

직장인밴드 룰루랄라 2 TwoTon Shoe - Georgie

직장인밴드연합 네이버 음악스케치 공연 Worker's Band of South Korea, Music Sketch a subscription concert.

George - two ton shoe (Bass Cover - 티오피/오반석)

안녕하세요 티오피 오반석입니다. 명절 새벽에 한곡 커버해봤습니다. ^^* 투톤슈의 조지인데..곡 구성이 참 특이합니다. 처음 A-B부분은 8비트로...

Two Ton Shoe - Medicine (Studio)

Two Ton Shoe - Medicine (Studio) - uploaded via

Two Ton Shoe