Thaddeus Carlton - More Than A Miracle

Bishop Larry Trotter - With God I Can #tbt

so this another raw first take video. this is wut happens wen ur bored over break, so this is for yall. i kno i suck n all bt tell me wut yall think! b blessed 1.

Jackie's War

Hello friends, here is a new video song that I have completed with the help of my fifteen year old son Patrick. He wrote and performed the two so called "rap" ...

Jordan - World's oldest church discovered

T/I: 10:43:47 A mud brick building uncovered at Jordan's southern port of Aqaba could be the world's oldest church, US archaeologists working in the country ...

That photoshop teacher might be a North Korea Fanatic

The idea for it came up while watching an surprisingly uninformative yet somewhat entertaining tutorial video on "Adobe TV". I got there by coincidence while ...

Thaddeus Carlton