Brian Eno - Matta

Brian Eno - Matta (3A)

Like everybody else, I sat and watched the first moon landing and the films from the subsequent missions. But for two reasons this television coverage left me ...

Brian Eno | Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks | Whole Album HD

Brian Eno | Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks | Whole Album HD I don't own any rights to the music, I'm just a fan of Brian Eno. Playlist: (all songs written by ...

Brian Eno APOLLO (in Full) 1983

1. Under Stars 2.The Secret place 3. Matta 4. Signals 5. An Ending (Ascent) 6. Understars II 7. Drift 8. Silver Morning 9.Deep Blue Day 10. Weightless 11. Always ...

Brian Eno - Apollo (full album)

Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks. Released in July 1983. Buy the vinyl here: ...

Brian Eno